Monday, June 4, 2007

Play date?

Would anyone like to come over to play on Friday the 22nd? I think I had mentioned the 15th, but I forgot Ainslie has her 3-yr well visit that day.

Oh, I also forgot the PINATA for her party yesterday, and I forgot to give everyone their goody bags. DOINK! So, we can do a pull-string pinata for a playdate. :-)


Lisa said...

That is my first week back at work, so by Friday I may be exhausted, but we'll be there! What time? 10?

Carla said...

10 is good!

Gloria said...

We plan on coming too!! Do you mind sending me directions, I have not been to your house. Savanah cannot wait to see her friends, she keeps asking about them. She also wants to make sure mommy plays with her friends too...