Saturday, April 28, 2007

Mother's Day painting party

Yes, we are still painting flower pots if you are still up for it. I have one terra cotta pot for everyone, if you want to do another one feel free to bring them. I have some paint but if anyone has a few paint brushes or extra washable paint they want to bring that would be great.

Date: May 4th (Friday)

Location: Gloria's house (I will send directions via e-mail, they are way to long to post)

Time: 10am or whenever you can make it

Snacks: Not necessary but always appreciated by our bellies. I think I will make a different kind of breakfast casserole. YUM YUM!!


Holly said...

I do believe that Stephanie is bringing Chocolate Gooey Butter Cookies (so Lisa~you are off the hook). I will probably bring this very yummy ham/melted cheese dip. It is the BEST which means I usually eat til miserable :) I may try and pick up another pot or two. Let me know if anyone else wants more. Lisa is planning on coming :)

Anyone who wants to follow~Lets meet at 10:00 at the "Flowers With Love" parking lot.

Do we need a cake to celebrate Gloria's and Reece's upcoming May Birthday's?

Carla said...

I am bringing miniature dirt cakes, worms included.

Oh, and I definitely need to follow!

Steph said...

I could not read the message. Do we need to bring pots and if so, what kind? We are looking foreward to the outing.

Leann said...

Raymond I plan on coming and will meet you at the flower shop. Please remind me, are we painting the little bitty flower pots or bigger ones? I might want to get one or two extra.
PS - my birthday is in May too!!!

Holly said...

Not sure what size pots that Gloria bought for us. I bought two different sizes for my "Mothers Day" gift which I am going to spray paint white. Forgot to look at paint today when I was at Michaels. Will check the garage for small brushes.

Leann~I dont think i knew that your birthday is in May. At work~if it is your birthday~you have to bring the cake.

Looking forward to Friday. What if it's raining? Painting inside with 7 toddlers makes me glad that it's not at my house :)

Gloria said...

Just to clarify, I have a 6 inch pot for everyone (kind of medium size). I took Holly's advice and painted it white so we are ready for tomorrow!! Looking forward to it!