Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Anyone up for some Friday Fun?

Anyone up for doing some thing this Friday?
The weather forecast states 65 & some rain.
We are open for suggestions~
Chuck E Cheese if it is cold/wet.
Zoo or Park if it is sunny.
Mall as alternative to all of the above. Rumor has it that Caroline is now riding the Carousel.
Is ten to early?


Carla said...

We are up for something. 10 is actually great.

Lisa said...

Thanks for the reminder about the blog, Holly. I forgot about it! Both girls have doc appts Fri at 11:15, so we would only be able to play for 45 min. and it's probably not worth the tantrum Delaney will throw when it's time to go. We plan to be at Gloria's next week. Gloria, let us know what time and what we need to bring.