Friday, April 25, 2008

Anyone up for ladies night?

Is everyone available for another ladies night on Thursday, May 15th? How does Pizza and mini golf sound??

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Remember when...

Can you guess the babies and where were we?

And the verdict is...

Okay, okay, we had our sono today and both babies look great. My cervix looks great which is also excellent news for me. No restrictions yet, just a happy doctor.

We had our twins reveal party tonight and it was so much fun.

So, I'll talk to you guys later.

Have a great weekend.

Oh sorry, did I forget to tell you the results.....

And the verdict is.

Baby A

Baby B
Another Girl!

That's right, 2 girls! The party went crazy, it was hilarious. It's been a wild night.

Talk to you all soon, Leann

Friday, April 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Sarah

Thanks for a fun night!! Can't wait to do it again!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Place your bets...

Let's take bets on the gender of Leann's twins. I will come up with a prize for the winner.

I vote one girl/one boy.

Girls Night Out!

Tokyo Japan

I will make reservations if there are no objections...

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Hello. Is anyone still checking this?

The first person to reply to this gets to have Mother's Day (LOL).