Saturday, April 28, 2007

Mother's Day painting party

Yes, we are still painting flower pots if you are still up for it. I have one terra cotta pot for everyone, if you want to do another one feel free to bring them. I have some paint but if anyone has a few paint brushes or extra washable paint they want to bring that would be great.

Date: May 4th (Friday)

Location: Gloria's house (I will send directions via e-mail, they are way to long to post)

Time: 10am or whenever you can make it

Snacks: Not necessary but always appreciated by our bellies. I think I will make a different kind of breakfast casserole. YUM YUM!!

Friday, April 27, 2007

Girl's Night Idea

There is a new pottery/ceramics painting place here in Chatham. They will let you come as a group to paint whatever (they have everything--all kinds of dishes, planters, picture frames, etc) and they said we could bring wine.

Does this sound fun to anyone? They close at 8, but maybe we could paint and then head to Xochimilco or Marios to eat and drink some more.

Prices for the the pottery range from $5-up. I think $15-20 is about average for a fun platter or bowl.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Another "Is anybody up for..."

Anyone want to go to a craft fair at Brinkerhoff next Saturday (5-5)? A fellow teacher at Robert Morris (that Holly got a church busy-bag from) is going to be there--she makes really cute doll stuff. Ainslie is into dressing Baby Carla (yes, she named her doll Carla) so I'm looking for some outfits for her birthday. I also like to look at the fun jewelry. It starts at 9am.

Anyone up for some Friday Fun?

Anyone up for doing some thing this Friday?
The weather forecast states 65 & some rain.
We are open for suggestions~
Chuck E Cheese if it is cold/wet.
Zoo or Park if it is sunny.
Mall as alternative to all of the above. Rumor has it that Caroline is now riding the Carousel.
Is ten to early?

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Would You Care to Dance?

Anyone up for Princess Camp or Creative Movement (beginning tap and ballet) this summer in beautiful downtown Chatham? I know it's far, but it would be fun!
Princess Camp is June 4-8 from 9-10am, and the dance class is Tuesday evenings from June 25-July 27. I have a little more info on the flier if you want it.

Dance class is how I met you guys, through Holly and Caroline. Here is Ainslie, just moments before meeting Caroline.

Mother's Day Play Date ?

Hi Everyone~
Are we still on for the Pre-Mother's Day Play Date at Gloria's? I think it was set for May 4th? If so, Gloria, you mentioned the little one's painting Terra cotta flower pots. Do we need to bring our own supplies? That is a week from Friday!

Another Caroline saying~

"Momma, Don't ya wish your girlfriend was hot like me. Don't ya? Oh baby, don't ya?"

I guess no more KISS FM. What happened to nursery rhymes/songs?

Hooray for Samantha~

I have huge news to share. Sam is potty trained!! It has been one week and no accidents. She has even been dry for a few naps--let's hope she is again today. She loves it and has got lots of big girl bribes from mom and dad.

Another exciting thing--Adam has moved into his own room and is going to bed a little earlier and better. He is starting to "talk" a lot. Can't wait to see you all.


Monday, April 16, 2007

Tea for Two

Caroline and Savanah enjoy a cup of tea. Savanah cannot wait to dine with Caroline, she has been asking for 3 weeks to do it again!! Oh, to be two again...

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Anyone ready for a girls night out~

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It may have taken me while but below are the recipes I promised I would share:

Veggie Pizza

2 tubes crescent rolls

12 oz cream cheese

3/4 cup mayo

1 1/2 tsp dill weed

raw veggies chopped

Spread crescent rolls in well greased cookie sheet and bake 8-10 minutes at 375'. Cool completely

Mix cream cheese, may and dill weed and spread over pastry, sprinkle with veggies pressing them into the cheese mixture. Cover and refrigerate


2 large cans of whole tomatoes

2 medium red onions or 1 large one

3 jalapenos

2 tbsp cilantro

4 tbsp lemon juice

3 tbsp sugar

Lawry's season salt to taste

Sunday, April 8, 2007

The New Additions

Baby Caitlin and Big Sister Delaney~Baby Adam (2 months old)~

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Funny Caroline sayings...

1) "I want to touch your big fat butt".
~Um, where did she hear this or come up with it?
2)"My heart hurts...I must have gas".
3) "My poop looks like a monster".

We RODE the train last night!! A huge accomplishment for us. Thanks to Raymond and two little twin girls. This is right up there with sitting on the Easter bunny's lap.

Friday, April 6, 2007

~ A Fun Time was had by All ~

Thanks Leann for hosting the Easter party! Everyone had a great time and we are very sorry that we DESTROYED your house. As usual~the company was great, the food was delicious, and the gifts were not necessary but fun.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Happy Easter!

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Looking forward to our Easter Party on Friday!
Let me know of any Easter Egg Hunts for this Saturday...
~We did Knights last year~It was mobbed but they had enough for everyone.
~Stephanie said County Market is having one.
~Nelson Center is having a breakfast with the Easter Bunny and than an Easter egg hunt to follow ($5).